These are just a few. Some I have been tested for others I found through default. Well it's allergy season for sure and the wind will not stop blowing here. Over the past few days my allergies have progressively gotten worse. So annoying. I have been loading up on medicine to help but all that does is make me feel like i'm in a daze all day. My favorite part though is taking a Benadryl at night! There's nothing like a Benadryl at night! Ah! I love the way it knocks me out. It's so satifyingly perfect. I have been a huge supporter of Claritin for many many years now. I started taking it when it was a prescription. Well last night I went out on home visits in my ward and the girl that went with me is a nurse practitioner. She noticed my sniffling because it is not something you can miss. Gross, I know. But she gave me some Zyrtec. She swears by it so I went and got some. Will it become my next BFF? We'll see. It's worth trying out.
11 years ago
Zyrtec is incredible. Also just reading this post made me sneeze.